Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Love The Skin You're In!

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I was inspired to write this post due to a video I watched yesterday of a speech on Black Beauty by Lupita Nyong'o , the video is below:

I think this is such a beautiful speech that everyone (not only females) should watch! To me, it does not matter what "colour" your skin is, you should love it and yourself.

The case of the girl who wrote to Lupita about being insecure about her skin is a case that many can relate to, including me. I too have dark skin and sadly, when I was younger, I was quite insecure about it. Fortunately, this didn't last long because I learnt to love myself more. But for others, it does last and there are many people out there who are insecure about their skin and that's heartbreaking. 

Every skin tone is beautiful and you should love your skin because it is part of you and the person that you are! Never let anyone or anything make you feel insecure about it. 

I have finally reached a place where I am loving more and more things about myself (my skin being one of them) and I am so grateful for that. I can only hope that you are in the same place, and if you're not, I really hope that this post or Lupita's speech will be the start of you loving yourself more. 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x