Friday, 6 December 2013

Positive Thinking Wins!

Hi everyone. I wanted to create this blog because I've been going through a tough time recently and have been watching a lot of videos that have changed my way of thinking and have enabled me to see the positives in the tough experiences that I have been going through.

I thank God for introducing me to these videos as they have inspired me so much and made me realise just how important positive thinking is and how much it can change your life.  I have realised that when you go through so much and your heart is broken, it is so easy to feel sorry for yourself and wonder why you're going through these difficult experiences. I want to change that habit, not only for myself but for others too and hopefully, lead us all to becoming more positive.

I will write posts which give tips on how to be more positive, share inspirational quotes, videos etc., that will help us all to become more active in positive thinking and see how our lives change because of this.

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Chey x

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