At the beginning of the year, I decided to work on my relationship with myself and God so that I know that I can be the happiest person, whether I am alone or with others. I've realised that knowing and loving myself are vital steps to take in order to achieve this.
I know that some of you may be at the point where you want to get to know yourself better but are not sure on how to start so I thought I'd write about what I've been doing in order to help you.
Something which has been essential in my journey to getting to know myself is spending time alone. Since I started university and have been required to move to a new town, where I have no family and needed to make new friends, I've had to spend more time alone. Up until recently, I used to think of being alone as a negative thing but that was because I didn't feel comfortable with it. Now I have realised that spending time alone can have great effects, for example, being by myself provides me with opportunities to reflect on the parts of myself that I love and those that I would like to improve. Also, I'd like to emphasise that just because you are alone, it doesn't mean you need to feel lonely.
I'm currently working on getting to know myself better so I don't have much more to say but if I start doing anything else that I find is effective, I'll update you :D But for now, here's a video that I've watched which discusses how to be your own best friend that I've found really helpful :D
Love, Chey x
- Positive Thinking Wins -
Thanks to the following websites for the images: