Tuesday, 21 January 2014

The Importance Of Getting To Know Yourself

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I've realised that it can be so easy to focus on your relationships with other people and not the relationship you have with yourself. However, I think that getting to know yourself is one of the most important things you can do and can lead you to being so successful in life. This is because you will know exactly who you are and what you aspire to do in life.

At the beginning of the year, I decided to work on my relationship with myself and God so that I know that I can be the happiest person, whether I am alone or with others. I've realised that knowing and loving myself are vital steps to take in order to achieve this.

I know that some of you may be at the point where you want to get to know yourself better but are not sure on how to start so I thought I'd write about what I've been doing in order to help you.

Something which has been essential in my journey to getting to know myself is spending time alone. Since I started university and have been required to move to a new town, where I have no family and needed to make new friends, I've had to spend more time alone.  Up until recently, I  used to think of being alone as a negative thing but that was because I didn't feel comfortable with it. Now I have realised that spending time alone can have great effects, for example, being by myself provides me with opportunities to reflect on the parts of myself that I love and those that I would like to improve. Also, I'd like to emphasise that just because you are alone, it doesn't mean you need to feel lonely. 

Another great thing about spending time alone is that you can take time to do whatever you want to do. For example, as a child, I used to love spending time by myself. It was an opportunity for me to play whatever game I wanted, with my own rules and no-one could interfere. I can relate this to how I feel now, I believe that being by yourself is a great opportunity to take time out of your day to do what want to without anyone distracting you. This can provide you with time to work on yourself and become much happier.

I'm currently working on getting to know myself better so I don't have much more to say but if I start doing anything else that I find is effective, I'll update you :D But for now, here's a video that I've watched which discusses how to be your own best friend that I've found really helpful :D 

Love, Chey x

- Positive Thinking Wins - 

Thanks to the following websites for the images:


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Positive Quotes (4)

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* “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."- Zig Ziglar

* “Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher.” - Maya Watson

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” - W. Clement Stone

* "The minute you alter your perception of yourself and your future, both you and your future begin to change." -  Marilee Zdenek

* "If you don't believe in miracles, perhaps you've forgotten you are one!" - Unknown. 

Love, Chey x 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Thanks to the following websites for these quotes:

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Happy New Year! (2014)

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Hey everyone! I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year! Here are some things you can do which I think can help you make this year an amazing one!

1. Reflect on your past year – This year I spent  New Year's Eve reflecting on 2013. I looked back at both the amazing experiences that I had and the really bad ones. I think this is a great thing to do because it can lead you to realising how far you have come in a year and even if you feel like you would have preferred to have achieved more, at least you’re acknowledging this and it can encourage you to do more this year.   It’s great to think about things such as what you achieved in the last year, what you would have liked to improve, your favourite memories etc.

2. Set goals to achieve this New Year – I love setting myself goals. It allows me to realise everything I want to achieve and gives me that extra push to get out there and start working towards achieving them. There are many great ways you can do this, depending on the type of person you are. If you are someone who likes writing, you can write a journal entry, or a letter to yourself, telling yourself what you would like to achieve this year and how you are going to achieve them. If you are someone who likes writing but not too much, you can create a list or a mind map. If you don’t like writing at all you can create a video, or a voice note telling yourself what you would like to achieve.

3. Reflect on what you are grateful for- I suggest taking a bit of time, even if it’s just a minute out of your day, thinking about everyone and everything you are grateful for having in your life. It would also be great to write these down every time you do so by the end of the year you have a big list of things that you can look at. This would also be useful to look at when you are feeling down.

Let me know if you try some of these out and if they have helped you. I hope you all have a blessed and amazing year! x

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x 

Thanks to this website for the image.