Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Promoting Positivity: Jason Davis' YouTube Channel

A few months ago, I came across Jason Davis on YouTube, his videos focus on mental health issues such as Depression and Anxiety and I instantly loved his channel because of this, as I feel that these topics are not talked about enough, especially publicly. The first video of his that I watched was 'A Story of Hope', in this inspirational video, Jason talks about his experience with depression:

Other videos that Jason has uploaded include tips on how to deal with anxiety, another 'Story of Hope' video which focusses on the story of his friend, Liam Chennells and a video where he shares tips on how to think positively, which I have put below:

I love that Jason has had the courage to share his story with everyone and has used a negative time in his life and turned it into a positive way to help others.

Jason Davis and Liam Chennells have also created a website where people can share their own stories as a way of helping each other. Click here if you would like to visit it. 

I hope that this post and Jason Davis' channel have helped you, especially if you are suffering from any mental health issues or know people who are. Please remember that it is OK to be suffering from mental health issues and if you are, please don't hesitate to talk to someone about it and get help. 

Love, Chey x 

- Positive Thinking Wins -


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