Sunday, 25 January 2015

Tips On How To Become Happier!: #2- Focus On Getting To Know Yourself

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I already posted about The Importance Of Getting To Know Yourself  but I wanted to write more about it in this series of posts because it's such an important part of becoming happier. 

Around 5 months ago, I made the decision to really start focussing on getting to know myself by actually studying myself and it was the best decision I could have made. The book 'You Can Heal Your Life' by Louise Hay  played a great part in my journey as it taught me more about my thoughts and how they have influenced my life. I also joined an online community called Amazers and started taking part in personal challenges which helped my self-development. For example, I took part  in a challenge set by Suli Breaks called 'Create Yourself' which led to my  purpose becoming clearer to me.   

Something  that you can do in order to start off your journey to getting to know yourself  better is take the time to reflect on yourself as a person. For example, you can ask yourself questions such as, "What are my qualities?", "What would I like to become better at?", "What do I enjoy doing the most?" and "Which parts of my personality do I love and which parts do I want to work on?" It's good to record your answers to these questions  in some way so that you can keep track of your progress. Doing this is bound to lead you to learning more about yourself and how you can develop as a person. 

I can assure you that once you know yourself better, you will start becoming so much happier as in order to be completely happy, you need to be happy with  the person you currently are.

Thanks so much for reading my post, I hope it has helped you. More posts in the 'Tips On How To Become Happier!' series are coming up! Please let me know if these posts have helped you in any way :D 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Tips On How To Become Happier!: #1- Develop A More Positive Mindset

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If you want to become happier but are unsure of which changes to make in order to, I suggest the first thing you do is become more aware of your thoughts.  One thought can lead to you feeling a certain emotion, which then leads to you performing certain behaviours. Therefore, one single thought that you have in the morning can affect your whole day.  If that thought is positive then it is likely to lead to a  positive emotion which is then likely to lead you to behaving in positive ways and therefore, attract more positivity into your life. Whereas, if this thought is negative,  the exact opposite happens. 

Something that I have done in order to help myself develop a more positive mindset, is say 10  statements about myself and/or my life  that I am grateful for when I wake up in the morning and 10 before I go to sleep at night.  For example, "I have a healthy family, I have enough food to eat, I have somewhere to live" etc. This is a way of ensuring that every day begins and ends positively, nothing negative can come out of it and it can help you so much. 

You can also start keeping note of the types of thoughts you have throughout  the day and whether the majority of them are positive or negative and how they have affected your day.  After you reflect on this, you can make a decision about whether you need to work on your mindset and the different ways you could do this.

I hope you liked reading the first post in my new series of posts called  'Tips On How To Become Happier!' and it has helped you, Tip #2 will be published next Sunday :D 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x 

Saturday, 17 January 2015

New Series Of Posts: Tips On How To Become Happier!

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Hey everyone! I hope 2015's been great to you all so far!

 I've spent the last year focussing on working on myself in order for me to develop as a person and reach a higher level of happiness. I have learnt  SO much already during this process and I'm sure I will learn a lot more in the future. With the amount of progress I've made, it's only right for me to share what I've learnt about becoming happier with you. Therefore, I have decided to create a series of posts called 'Tips On How To Become Happier'. Each post in this series will focus on something that has helped me on my journey to becoming happier with the hope that you can use my tips to help yourself. The first post in the series will be published tomorrow at 12pm :D

It's important for me to mention that I will talk about the things that worked for me, therefore, it may be necessary for you to adapt my tips to suit yourself, depending on the type of person you are and what you find effective. I hope you enjoy reading this new series of posts and please let me know if they've helped.

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x  

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year! (2015)

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Hey everyone! 

I want to wish you a very happy new year! I hope you achieve all your goals for this year and it is filled with amazing, positive experiences! 

Last New Year's Eve, I wrote down all of the things I wanted to achieve during the year and when I looked back at what I wrote this morning, I realised I achieved at least part of everything I wanted to :D The feeling I got when ticking off my achievements was amazing and made me realise just how much of a successful year 2014 was for me. This is something that I recommend that you do this year because it is a great way of realising what you want out of life and the steps you can take to make sure you get there. 

 If you went through a lot of difficult times last year, please remember that you got through them or are currently getting through them! I believe that we can all learn so much from going through negative experiences and I like to see them as ways of developing ourselves. They may not be great to go through at the time, but there are no words to express how you feel when you look back and realise the positive things you've gained due to them! 

I hope 2015 is a great year for you, think positively and positive things will happen! 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x