Sunday, 18 January 2015

Tips On How To Become Happier!: #1- Develop A More Positive Mindset

If you want to become happier but are unsure of which changes to make in order to, I suggest the first thing you do is become more aware of your thoughts.  One thought can lead to you feeling a certain emotion, which then leads to you performing certain behaviours. Therefore, one single thought that you have in the morning can affect your whole day.  If that thought is positive then it is likely to lead to a  positive emotion which is then likely to lead you to behaving in positive ways and therefore, attract more positivity into your life. Whereas, if this thought is negative,  the exact opposite happens. 

Something that I have done in order to help myself develop a more positive mindset, is say 10  statements about myself and/or my life  that I am grateful for when I wake up in the morning and 10 before I go to sleep at night.  For example, "I have a healthy family, I have enough food to eat, I have somewhere to live" etc. This is a way of ensuring that every day begins and ends positively, nothing negative can come out of it and it can help you so much. 

You can also start keeping note of the types of thoughts you have throughout  the day and whether the majority of them are positive or negative and how they have affected your day.  After you reflect on this, you can make a decision about whether you need to work on your mindset and the different ways you could do this.

I hope you liked reading the first post in my new series of posts called  'Tips On How To Become Happier!' and it has helped you, Tip #2 will be published next Sunday :D 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x 

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