Sunday, 14 February 2016

Love Yourself!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

What’s your opinion on Valentine’s Day? Personally, even though I don’t make a big deal out of it, I do like that it’s a day that’s dedicated to spreading love and kindness to others. However, even though Valentine’s Day is traditionally known to be a day about showing love to your partner, I think that it’s just as important to show this love to yourself as well. Now of course, we don’t need to wait for Valentine’s Day to do this, this is something we can do every single day.

A lot of people talk about the importance of loving ourselves, which is great – but I’m sure that I can’t be the only person who has thought “Ok great, I’m going to start loving myself more! … but how?” Just saying that you’re going to love yourself more is simple, but when you think about what you can actually do to encourage this, it can become a lot more complicated. This might be because you’re just over-thinking it, like I was. I now understand that loving yourself is an on-going process that will progress throughout your life. Some days might be more challenging than others but that’s OK, it’s about the fact that you’re making the effort to pay attention to yourself and value the person that you are.

I believe that an important part of loving yourself is to get to know yourself. I like to consider that as people, we’re constantly developing and changing over time and it can be quite challenging to fully know who we are. However, everyone has different ideas of what it means to know themselves completely and whether it’s possible. In my view, knowing myself is about having a deep connection to my thoughts, emotions, behaviours and intentions in life.  What’s your perception of knowing yourself and do you think you know yourself completely?

I think that another important part of loving yourself is taking the time to fulfil your own wants and needs. It can be very easy to get caught up in everyday life and forget to dedicate time to yourself to do what you enjoy. However, I think that It’s crucial that you look after yourself as well as others, and remember that you deserve your time just as much as anybody else does.  Even if that means planning to dedicate a bit of time out of every day to go for a walk, eat your favourite meal, listen to your favourite music etc., this is a significant part of you valuing yourself and your importance, which I think is a huge part of loving yourself.

The final thing that I’ll talk about is the importance of looking to yourself for love instead of always looking to others. A lot of the time, when people don’t feel loved enough, they look for someone else to help fill that void for them. Is this something that you do or that you’ve done in the past? I definitely have.  I find it interesting that for so many people, our instant reaction to feeling a lack of love is to look for someone else to love us instead of looking back at ourselves for the love that we’re missing.  I think that depending on others to make you feel loved can be risky. Instead, thinking about why you don’t feel as loved as you’d like and working on addressing this can be more effective. Doing this can lead to you becoming more self-aware and appreciative, which also play a big part in loving yourself.

So, to end this post on a lovely note (< sorry, I had to!) I hope that you enjoy Valentine’s Day and you remember to show yourself and others an endless amount of love!

Love, Chey x

- Positive Thinking Wins -

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