Monday, 30 December 2013

Promoting Positivity: Tyrese Gibson's Facebook Videos

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Hey everyone! I want to share these videos that Tyrese uploaded on his facebook. In them,  he gives such useful tips on decisions you can make in order to better your life . I don't want to write too much about what he says because I think his message would be more effective if you watched the videos.  They are quite long but they're really worth it if you take what he says on board. I hope these videos help you, as they have given me the courage to make decisions that I have been putting off for some time now.

* These videos contain explicit language.

"The day you change your mind it will change your life" - Tyrese Gibson.

Love, Chey x
- Positive Thinking Wins -


Friday, 27 December 2013

Positive Quotes (3)

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* Staying positive does not mean that things will turn out okay. Rather, it is knowing you will be okay no matter how things turn out - Unknown. 

Positive thinking is empowering, positive action is achievingDr T.P.Chia.

“Thoughts Become Things... Choose The Good Ones!” -Mike Dooley.

* Tough situations build strong people- Unknown.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Promoting Positivity: BronzeGoddess01's 'Motivation: Delayed Does NOT Mean Denied' Video

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I LOVE this video and the message that Bronze Goddess shares in it. Sometimes when you want something so badly such as a new job and you don’t get it, it can be so easy to just give up and think that you’ll never get what you want. I have been guilty of doing this but this video has helped me to understand that just because I’m not getting something I want now, it does not necessarily mean that I’ll never get it. Perhaps it’s not the right time or it may not actually be beneficial for me to get. Bronze Goddess gives such a great example of something that happened in her life that seemed really bad at the time but it turned out to be beneficial for her and her family. 

I think it’s important for me to share this video with you because it shows that although wanting something but not getting it can be really disheartening,  it does not mean that you’ll never get it or something better will not come your way. 

I also want to add that Bronze Goddess makes some amazing videos, some of which share motivational messages and others where she gives advice to people that write to her. I thank God that I found her YouTube channel because her videos have really helped me, make sure you watch some of them and subscribe to her if you like them. 

Love, Chey x 

- Positive Thinking Wins- 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The Power Of Belief

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Whether you're grieving for someone, experiencing mental or physical health problems or going through other difficult experiences, I think there is one vital thing that you can do that can help you feel better and that is believe that things will get better. I find that the most vital thing for me to have is faith, I am a believer in God and from my experiences, praying and having faith that He will make things better helps even more than I can express. Also, understanding the power of positive thinking is a very important part of the process of getting better.

I was watching a segment about anxiety a few months ago on ITV's ‘This Morning’ show and people were able to call in and share their personal experiences. One man called in desperate for advice because he was spending all day, every day worrying about having panic attacks. He said he has been suffering from anxiety for decades and was offered treatment but the closest centre to him is too far away for him to get to.  I can't imagine what it must be like for him. I want to share his story with you all as it shows just how much these issues can affect your life. However please remember, they do not need to and you can get better.
The human mind is extremely powerful, probably more powerful than we will ever understand. Therefore, do not let your negative thoughts and issues control you by taking control of them instead. Remember that the way you feel is more influenced by the way you think than the experience you’re going through and if you think positively and believe everything will get better, they will. I’ve been reading a book called ‘It's The Thought That Counts: Why Mind Over Matter Really Works’ by Dr. David Hamilton, and in it, Dr. Hamilton discusses how thoughts can create physical reactions.
For example, I’m sure some of you have experienced thinking of insects and the thought alone caused you to start itching (I’m even starting to itch now haha). Therefore, this shows that your thoughts alone can have physical effects on your body. Therefore, if they can have these effects, why can't they affect your physical and psychological well-being too? This emphasises how powerful our minds really are, and if you use yours in the right ways, you can achieve whatever you would like to achieve. 

I also want to state how important it is to believe in your ability to achieve in life. If you work hard and believe that you will be successful, you will. Strive to do your best but don't stress yourself out, you can achieve your goals if you work for them.
The main message I want to express by publishing this post is believe in the power you have to make things better for yourself and achieve in life. By having faith in God and thinking positively, your life can change for the better.
I really do hope that I helped you by writing this. If you know anyone who this post could help, please share it with them! 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Love, Chey x

* I would like to note that my  all of my posts come from my perspectives which are related to my belief in God. Although I am aware that not everyone believes in God , I am sure that my posts can help everyone.  

Thanks to the following websites for the images in this post:

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Spending Time With Family And Friends

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When you are feeling low, it can be so easy to stay inside a lot of  the time and not make an effort to see anyone. This may result in you becoming so engrossed in thinking about how bad you're feeling and not what can be done to cheer you up. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's great to spend time by yourself as it is an opportunity to think about life and understand what's going on in your life and think of the ways you can deal with them. However, I think that it can become easy to spend so much time by yourself that you begin to become isolated, which can make you feel worse. 

One of the things that puts me in a great mood is spending time with my family and friends.  This is a great way of getting myself out and creating great memories that I can look back on when I'm feeling down. For example, I always find myself reminiscing about the great and mostly hilarious experiences my friends and I have had whenever I meet up with them. Personally, my family and friends help me so much whenever I'm going through a rough time because I feel like most of the time I spend with them consists of me laughing.  I also appreciate them much more now since I started university, as it has meant that I no longer have many opportunities to see them, so when I do, I enjoy spending time with them even more.

Therefore, if you are reading this and you want to spend more time with your family and friends but you have become isolated due to your mood, I would like to encourage you to get out there and make plans with them. Just spending a few hours with family and friends can improve your mood for the whole day.

I'm sure that a lot of you can relate to this but I understand that some people prefer spending time by themselves, and I'm not stating that everyone who is feeling down must spend more time with their family and friends.  I have written this post in order to encourage those of you who would like to spend more time with them but who have become isolated, I really hope that this has helped you.

Love, Chey x
- Positive Thinking Wins -

Friday, 13 December 2013

Positive Quotes (2)

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“The day is what you make it! So why not make it a great one?” - Steve Schulte. 

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” ~ John Wooden.

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. - Dale Carnegie.

*  Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same.  ~Francesca Reigler.

 * Never mind the odds against you.  If you doubled your effort, what would the odds against you do - send for reinforcements?  ~Robert Brault, "Sparsely Sage, Mostly Rosemary and Thyme,

Love, Chey x 

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Thanks to the following websites for these quotes:

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Surrounding Yourself With Positivity

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I think eliminating everything negative around you and surrounding yourself with positivity is so important.  This can help you to stay in a happier mood and think and behave more cheerfully. I'm in the process of doing this now and I'm starting to see a difference in my attitude.

One of the things I have done is change the my laptop's desktop background. This is because like many people, I spend too so much time on my laptop. This means that I see my desktop background A LOT, Therefore, I find it so important to make sure that the background I have is an uplifting one. So I made my desktop background a slideshow of positive sayings and quotes such as 'God is Good so I don't have to look elsewhere', 'Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday', 'Don't worry, be happy', 'Don't think too much, you'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place' and the images shown below.  This means that whenever I look at my desktop, I am bombarded with a positive message and this helps me a lot. For example, I can be a big worrier sometimes so these messages really help me when I enter my 'worrying mode'.

I have also done a similar thing in my bedroom in the student house that I live in. For example, I am obsessed with love hearts so I've bought posters and pictures with hearts on so that I'm constantly surrounded by things that I like and that cheer me up when I'm away from my family.

One of the posters in my room.
A canvas in my room.
Another thing I do is watch videos which express positive messages and share inspirational life experiences. This helps me realise the reasons why I may be going through certain things or the different ways I can cope with what I'm going through. I share and discuss some of these videos in some of my posts entitled 'Promoting Positivity', I hope that you watch them and they help you feel better too. 

These are just a few examples of the steps I've taken to surround myself with positivity. I hope to find more ways of doing this which I can share with you.

Love, Chey x 

- Positive Thinking Wins-

Monday, 9 December 2013

Promoting Positivity: Beauty Crush's 'Body Image: The Changing Rooms' Video

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In this video, Beauty Crush talks about the focus people can put on the sizes of clothes when they go shopping, and how this can make you feel when you're trying clothes on in the dressing room. For example, it may make you feel bad about yourself  when you feel that the size you're wearing is either bigger or smaller than what you feel you should be wearing. She mentions the fact that clothes sizes vary according to the shops you're in so you shouldn't focus on the size, just how comfortable you feel in the clothes. Beauty Crush gives some useful tips on how to prevent you feeling insecure when you decide to try on clothes whilst shopping. 

I think a lot of people can relate to what Beauty Crush is saying in this video and this is why I wanted to make a post on it. When you try on clothes and feel like the size isn't the one you want or if they are too big/small for you, it can really affect your body confidence. However, I completely agree with Beauty Crush's message to not focus on the size and just focus on how you feel in the clothes. You can look amazing whatever size you're wearing so don't let an insignificant number prevent you from looking and feeling great. 

Love, Chey x

- Positive Thinking Wins -


Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Expectation Of Life To Be Easy

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Recently, I realised that I've always had a subconscious expectation of life to be easy and I'm sure some of you can relate to this. After this realisation, I began considering the possible reasons for this but I couldn't come up with any answers. No-one has ever told me that life is easy, in fact I've been told and shown the opposite. Yet, I've still expected it to be and get surprised when things don't go my way. I've realised that having this expectation can cause negative experiences to affect me even more than they should. However, I believe that in order to prevent this from happening again, it is important to stop expecting life to be easy and start accepting life for what it is. In my eyes, life is an amazingly beautiful experience in which we may be presented with some obstacles but these are never impossible to overcome and when we do overcome these obstacles, we come out even better than we were before. I believe this acceptance helps the healing process after going through a bad experience so much.

Every single one of our experiences has contributed to who we are today, so learn and grow from both your positive and negative experiences so you can become an even better person tomorrow. 

I have written this post in order to encourage you to accept that life may not be easy, and negative things may happen, but try to not let them stop you from being happy and succeeding in life.

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” ― Molière

Love Chey x 
- Positive Thinking Wins-

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Promoting Positivity: Zoella's 'Just Say Yes' video

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I LOVE this video, Zoella shared the message of not letting what your going through emotionally, psychologically, physically etc. stop you from having great experiences and enjoying life. I agree with this 100% and will strive to 'Say Yes' more often! I hope you will too x 

Love, Chey x 

- Positive Thinking Wins-

Friday, 6 December 2013

Positive Quotes (1)

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* Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.- Charles Swindoll.

* I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. - Stephen Covey.

* Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.- Henry David Thoreau. 

* Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free - Unknown.

* Hug Harder, Laugh Louder, Smile Bigger. Live Longer. - Unkown.

* Whatever you decide to do. Make sure it makes you happy. -Unknown.

* Tough times never last, but tough people do. - Robert H Schuller.

* "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it"- Michael Jordan.

* "No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse.” - Randy Pausch.

“Faith is why I'm here today and faith is why I made it through.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett, Neglected But Undefeated: The Life Of A Boy Who Never Knew A Mother's Love.

Love, Chey x 

- Positive Thinking Wins-

Thanks to the following websites for these quotes;

Finding The Positive In Every Negative

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I have realised that one of the most difficult things to do when you're going through a tough time is think about the positives that could come out of the experience. However, I've also realised that this is one of the most important things to do in order to get through it.

I truly believe everything happens for a reason and that one day you'll be able to look back at the difficult times in your life and realise just how much you've changed and benefited from the situation. For example, you may realise how much some of your friends and family are actually there for you, that you've matured by going through the experience, that you've become so much stronger and more. So if you're currently going through a hard time or if you go through one in the future, please try this. You can write it down or just sit and think about it, I really hope it helps you.

Love, Chey x  

- Positive Thinking Wins -

Contact Me

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Feel free to follow 'Positive Thinking Wins!' on Instagram, this is where I post positive quotes every day! - @PositiveThinkingWins 

If you have Twitter, you can follow 'Positive Thinking Wins!' on there too - @PosThinkingWins

To contact me directly, you can email