Whether you're grieving for someone, experiencing mental or physical health problems or going through other difficult experiences, I think
there is one vital thing that you can do that can help you feel better and that is believe that things will get better. I find that the most vital thing for me to have is faith, I am a believer in God and from my experiences, praying and having faith that He will make things better helps
even more than I can express. Also, understanding the power of positive thinking is a very important part of the process of getting better.
I was watching a segment about anxiety a few months ago on ITV's ‘This Morning’ show and people were able to call in and share their personal experiences. One man called in desperate for advice because he was spending all day, every day worrying about having panic attacks. He said he has been suffering from anxiety for decades and was offered treatment but the closest centre to him is too far away for him to get to. I can't imagine what it must be like for him. I want to share his story with you all as it shows just how much these issues can affect your life. However please remember, they do not need to and you can get better.
The human mind is extremely powerful, probably more powerful than we will ever understand. Therefore, do not let your negative thoughts and issues control you by taking control of them instead. Remember that the way you feel is more influenced by the way you think than the experience you’re going through and if you think positively and believe everything will get better, they will. I’ve been reading a book called ‘It's The Thought That Counts: Why Mind Over Matter Really Works’ by Dr. David Hamilton, and in it, Dr. Hamilton discusses how thoughts can create physical reactions.
I also want to state how important it is to believe in your ability to achieve in life. If you work hard and believe that you will be successful, you will. Strive to do your best but don't stress yourself out, you can achieve your goals if you work for them.
The main message I want to express by publishing this post is believe in the power you have to make things better for yourself and achieve in life. By having faith in God and thinking positively, your life can change for the better.
I really do hope that I helped you by writing this. If you know anyone who this post could help, please share it with them!
- Positive Thinking Wins -
Love, Chey x
* I would like to note that my all of my posts come from my perspectives which are related to my belief in God. Although I am aware that not everyone believes in God , I am sure that my posts can help everyone.
* I would like to note that my all of my posts come from my perspectives which are related to my belief in God. Although I am aware that not everyone believes in God , I am sure that my posts can help everyone.
Thanks to the following websites for the images in this post:
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